Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another English legend wants in on MLS, which wants to play England

The Manchester Evening News is reporting that the great Wayne Rooney will come to MLS once his contract with the world's most popular sports franchise is over. MLS commissioner Don Garber is in England to promote the MLS at some convention for guys who wear suits.

Garber predictably made a lot of noise at this convention, most of it hot air, of course since he was trying to hype up MLS and compare it to actual soccer leagues that function without notable fiascos like the Frank Lampard one under his watch. 

Now Garber believes that a competition between English clubs and MLS clubs would be entertaining. Never mind that such a contest would serve no purpose or that there have been no discussions with the Premier League about it or that this would serve no purpose for the Premier League. Don Garber said it, so maybe it will happen!

That about sums up the sad state of affairs with U.S. soccer, which was humbled 4-1 by Brazil on Tuesday in a game presented by Liberty Mutual, who are welcome to sponsor the IMOTGP blog anytime.


  1. I think the idea of a competition between the MLS and the EPL is a good idea in the sense that it's the only way the MLS could potentially earn worldwide legitimacy (and winning some CCL wouldn't hurt). That being said, when would such a Anglo-American cup be played? All the top EPL teams already play too many games so I wouldn't really see the point in the top MLS teams playing the best B-teams in the PL, that basically happens in the summer friendlies already.

  2. Thanks for the support Adam and if you are interested in insurance, may I suggest Liberty Mutual? But the real issue is why would the Premier League want a competition with an inferior overseas league in a market in which it is already saturated. That's why I feel it's more hot air from Garber at this convention.

  3. I'll give you one word Phantom, money. The dollars (or should I say pounds) talk.

    1. Would they play that game in England or the States? If it's in the U.K. would anyone attend?

      I agree with that one word. I need to get me more of that.

    2. Don't we all.

      Garber said it would take place in NYC.

    3. Then I doubt the Premier League would agree to that.

      Though I believe that Liberty Mutual would be an excellent sponsor of such an extravaganza.
